
Thursday, February 20, 2014

A Birthday Giveaway

We are helping celebrate a birthday today!!! We are very thankful for new blogger friends, even if we haven't met in real life. And Britney has been SO kind to us since we've started this endeavor! We are so honored to be able to participate in her birthday giveaway! And you can too! And by participate we mean enter to win! Read below to see all of the amazing things the birthday girl is giving away! 
Britney we hope you have a year happy, fun and memorable birthday and year! HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
Check Inspired Owl's Corner TPT store here
Check The Kinder Sister's TPT store out here
Check The Unique Classroom TPT store here
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Monday, February 17, 2014

Calendar Time

Calendar time is so important in our classrooms, there are SO SO SO many skills we are practicing in this one little time in our classroom. We have a SMARTboard calendar that we've gotten from SMART Exchange and we've just worked it until it's perfect for our classrooms. Then as the year goes on those little babies practically have the thing memorized and we could lead it with our eyes closed. At that point it's time to make it a little more challenging for our kiddos. 
We looked and looked and reworked it until it works best for our kiddos and our SMARTboard calendar time. It's probably not perfect, nothing ever is, but it really works for us. So here is exactly what it looks like!
We write the date and "dash the date" (not shown). 
We work on our days! Yesterday, today and tomorrow....
Any other kinder teachers ever amazed that some kiddos struggle with what comes next even though we talk about it EVERY day?! 
We count the days in school! 
And keep counting the days in school....
We practice making 10!
CCSS.Math.Content.K.OA.A.4 For any number from 1 to 9, find the number that makes 10 when added to the given number, e.g., by using objects or drawings, and record the answer with a drawing or equation.  
We also graph the weather! This leads to great conversations about greater/less than and "how many" questions! 
AND because we love all our new Facebook followers we're giving you a free copy! 
Just click here to download it! We hope you love it and use it. We also hope you'll leave us a comment and "Like" our Facebook letting us know you've downloaded!

Monday, February 10, 2014

Olaf Valentine's Freebies

Have you seen Frozen? It's all the rage around here! And we especially love that cute snowman Olaf. So when we saw these Valentine cards all over Pinterest we had to jump all over it!
So we made our own! That worked just for us! And this Valentine is fun because it's food and you can build the cute little snow guy ;) 
Here's what you need (per Valentine):
-one snack size baggie
-three large marshmallows
-two mini marshmallows
-two chocolate chips
-two pretzel sticks
-one orange M&M (You could also use candy corn or get creative with something else! We already had M&Ms on hand!)
-one cute tag

Open the tags in PowerPoint, add a text box to sign your name, print & cut out, assemble! Easy peasy lemon squeeze-y!  

Click here to download the tag, because we think you're worth melting for ;).