
Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Christmas Questionnaire

Hello Blog World! Erin & Amber here! We are pretty new to the blog world so we wanted to link up with Fabulous in First so you can get to know us a bit more and we can know you!
Alright here goes!

Hot Chocolate or Eggnog?
Um neither?! We are both big fans of the Caramel Apple Spice from Starbucks. Erin doesn't like chocolate. So there's that.
Amber: I do like hot chocolate. I just am really addicted to the apple cider right now. Eggnog is definitely a NO though.

Does Santa wrap presents or just sit them underneath the tree? 
Erin: This will be our first Christmas experience with Santa visiting our house since our daughter is 4 months old but Santa will be wrapping the wrappable items. I believe his is bringing a gift that will remain unwrapped this year;)
Amber: Santa wraps the presents! Last year our son got a bike so obviously it wasn't wrapped ;) But normally he wraps them!

Colored lights or white?
Erin: White! I love the clean look.
Amber: White. It's the only way. 

When do you decorate? 
Erin: What Amber said...ha. We have always decorated on Friday. 
Amber: The day after Thanksgiving. It's been a tradition since we were little.

Real or Fake Tree? 
Erin: We currently have two fake trees. We grew up with one "nice" aka fake tree and one "kid" aka real tree. I do miss the real tree at times. 
Amber: Fake. Although I do love some fresh tree farm garland!

What Tops Your Tree?
Erin: The dinning room tree is topped with glittery branches and the living room tree has a natural topper made of twigs and pinecones. 
Amber: Feathers, Berries, and lots of random?! I've kinda made my own!

Favorite Christmas Memories or Traditions?
Erin: One of our childhood traditions was visiting our grandparents house on Christmas Eve. After dinner, the adults would make contact with Santa to know when he would be arriving. Once he was on his way, all the grandkids would cram in one room and listen to Santa making noise on the roof and all through the house as he delivered the goods. Our dad and uncles were always outside helping Santa unload. When we came out of the bedroom, the living room would be overflowing with gifts. 
Amber: Since having kids my favorite tradition is taking our kids to Dry Gulch to ride the Christmas Train. It tells the story of Jesus and it's like an old west movie set. You can drink hot chocolate, sit by the fire, see Santa, watch puppet shows, eat, etc. It's SO fun and meaningful!

Do you remember your favorite gift as a child?
Erin: In the words of our little brother...."We got a pooter!" Ha
Amber: I remember the first time we got a computer! It was a BIG deal! We still have the video ;)

Do prefer giving or receiving?
Erin: I love giving. One of my greatest joys is watching other people receive a meaningful gift. 
Amber: Giving. I love to buy for my hubs and sons. I never know what to tell people when they ask what I want ;) But I sure to love to spoil others!

What is your favorite Christmas song? 
Erin: All of them! Once of my favorite additions in recent years are the Straight No Chaser Christmas songs. 
Amber: Harry Connick Jr. When My Heart Finds Christmas CD I love it all!

Candy Canes. Yuck or Yum?'
Erin: Yum! I am content to enjoy just one during the season.
Amber: Yum, I don't go overboard but I enjoy the occasional candy cane.

Favorite Christmas Movie?
Erin: Elf!
Amber: Charlie Brown Christmas & Elf.

Do you shop online or at stores?
Erin: I have done both this year. I typically accomplish a lot of Black Friday but due to a baby, I didn't pull an all nighter this year. 
Amber: A little of both. I love the stores at Christmas time but with little ones around the house it's been easier to shop online.

Photo Cards, Letter or Store Bought Card? 
Erin: Photo Cards! I am soooooo visual. 
Amber: Photo Cards! I love seeing people faces! I do enjoy receiving the letters too to hear what everyone is up to!

Thanks for reading! We hope you link up to! Go join the fun!


  1. Hey, followed the link up from Fabulous in First! Your decorations look lovely!

    Butterflying Through Teaching

  2. Love your pictures and that wrapping! Amazing. Thanks for linking up!

    1. Thank you for hosting! It's fun meeting and learning about new blogger friends! Merry Christmas!

  3. Hi girls! I popped over to visit your blog from the linky and I am your newest follower. :)

    Love, Laughter and Learning in Prep!
