
Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Elf on the Shelf

Well the day has arrived....the North Pole deliveries are here!
We just couldn't resist a little fun in the classroom during this holiday season and the First Grade Parade's freebie made it even easier to put this little activity together!
Erin's elf made her appearance this morning and she was FREEZING from that cold North Pole.
She was dubbed Olive Flame Robinson. The final choices came down to Olive and Flame. Olive won the vote but the students suggested we use Flame as her middle name. The middle name addition of course led to, "what is her last name?" Again, the students chose her last name as a representation of our class. Kids and their name choices are SO funny! I think just picking a name is a comedy in itself.
Amber's elf made her arrival after specials. The kids were SO excited! We watched the Elf on the Shelf book on video. There is a great one on YouTube! Did I mention I lost my son's book? I'm assuming it's still packed up in a Christmas box in the attic. Don't know how I missed it.
Someone said Jesse as a name suggestion, someone else said "That's my mom's name." and before I knew it every kid wanted to name their elf after their mother. Oh brother. I mean mother. Thankfully it came down to Cherry & Snowflake so we went with Cherry Snowflake Hatch. I think it sounds pretty nice :) Welcome to the family Cherry!
What about you? Do you Elf on the Shelf?

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